

One Speech A Day 精彩英文演讲 2022-08-28



几位知名的美国亚裔演员、记者和社交媒体红人呼吁结束与新冠病毒这一流行病有关的针对亚裔的歧视和仇恨犯罪。这段视频的主角是亚裔美国演员刘玉玲(Lucy Liu)、郑健(Ken Jeong)和伊克巴尔·蒂巴(Iqbal Theba),以及美国电视和广播艺术家联合会演员协会的其他成员。星期二发布的报告与协会成员之间针对歧视问题及其解决方案的线上小组讨论有关。

Lucy Liu: We’re living at a time when humanity matters most. Even though we’re physically apart, we must all come together as one.

Jon Jon Briones: Yes, we’re worried about our health. Our loved ones. Job prospects. Our nation.

Amy Hill: It’s a scary time. But we can’t let fear turn into hate.

Iqbal Theba: Far too many people are using this crisis as an excuse to forget reason and embrace racism.

Juju Chang: Asian-Americans have been the victims of verbal and physical harassment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vincent Rodriguez III: Law enforcement has recorded a surge in hate crimes aimed at our community.

Christina Chang: Families have been shunned. Businesses vandalized.

Hudson Yang: People attacked on public transportation and children bullied and called hurtful names.

Carrie Ann Inaba: Can you imagine what it’s like to face this kind of behavior at a time like this?

Joel de la Fuente: That’s what many of us – across America – are dealing with during this crisis.

James Hong: And the number of incidents – they will rise, I’m afraid so.

Ken Jeong: We must all stop the stigma. We must all stop the xenophobia. We must all stop the hate.

Jodi Long: This crisis has revealed some of our strengths.

Jeannie Mai: Communities virtually coming together to raise money, feed people, lift spirits up.

Tzi Ma: So, let’s make sure ending this behavior becomes one of our strengths. Stand up against racism when you see it.

Clyde Kusatsu: Support local Asian-American business owners. Take care of your neighbors. We will get through this with empathy, care and love for our fellow man, woman and child.

Juju Chang: As members of SAG-AFTRA and as Americans, we know our strength is in our diversity.

Christina Chang: We are always

Joel de la Fuente: Stronger

GROUP: Together.





One Speech A Day

 Can Change Your Life




